You like scary movies?
Ghostface, Scream (1996)
Apart from our growing team of regular writers, I Like Scary Movies is largely made possible through the work and dedication of volunteer content creators (referred to, and credited as “contributors”). If you would like to become a volunteer contributor, please refer to the guidelines below.
What We’re Looking For
- Feminist perspectives on horror
- LGBTQ voices on horror
- BIPOC voices on horror
- Passionate scary movie fans
Submission Format
You may submit a rough draft or a short pitch (i.e. a paragraph or two summarizing your piece and why it matters to our readers) paired with an outline. The more complete your submission is, the better feedback we can give you. Please note that we only accept original content, so we do not publish anything that’s been published elsewhere (including on your own blog).
- Has a unique voice. Don’t be afraid to be bold.
- Is not in a gate keeping tone.
- Is written for an audience of horror fans (duh).
- Opinions are welcomed, but must be supported by solid arguments based in verifiable facts and references. Please fact-check and cite your sources.
Please note that it is at the editor’s discretion what opinion pieces will be published on the site. The editor reserves the right to not publish article submissions that are deemed offensive on the site.
What We Publish
- Articles of anywhere between 600–2,500 words, depending on the subject matter. 1,500 words is about average.
- Articles may be casual in tone and image or content-rich (e.g. “listicle” format that meets the minimum word count) or more in-depth and structured. All should be well-considered analysis or a topic related to the horror genre in some way (i.e. movies, TV, pop culture as it relates to horror, etc).
- If your article is chosen to be published, you may provide assets (photos, stock images, etc) at that time. If applicable, the editor will create a custom feature image for your article.
How To Submit
Email your submission to with the subject line “Blog Submission: [Topic]”. We prefer submissions as Google documents so that the editor can easily provide feedback and guidance directly within your draft. You may also send us a plaintext file, Word .doc, or PDF (Please do not send a ZIP file of assets unless requested by the editor).
At this time, the editor will review your submission and determine whether it’s a potential fit for I Like Scary Movies before contacting you to let you know the status of your submission.
Thank you for your interest in I Like Scary Movies.
If you have a question regarding the article submission process feel free to contact us and we would be happy to answer your questions.